Masaka had a “Hard Knock Life” since she was born, but the BEST thing that happened for her was to become a Texas Husky Rescue Dog!
She has been through so much in her short life, and the commitment we’ve made through YOUR contributions make it possible. Unfortunately, she has more medical issues, and we need YOUR help again!
Masaka came to us as a three-month-old puppy from a shelter on Aug 26th, 2023. She was presented to us as a healthy, happy, vetted puppy, who just needed a quick stay with a foster until she could be adopted. One of our wonderfully committed families volunteered to foster her but quickly realized she was not ‘well’.
She had urine burns/stains all over and was showing signs of an upper respiratory infection (URI). She received treatment, but did not get better despite two trips to the vet. She was seen a third time after having vomiting episodes and was diagnosed with Parvo!
By this time, though she had been on antibiotics and care for three days, she was in very guarded condition and the regular vet referred us to a 24×7 ER vet to continue her critical care. The ER vet developed an intensive care plan to try to save this tiny pup’s life. Her condition was soooo bad, they gave her a very low chance of survival. We knew it would be costly, with the outcome not guaranteed. We committed to the program, and put out a plea for emergency funds on our social media!
Our medical costs were $4,424.06, but our generous donors (that’s YOU!) covered the emergency medical costs for THAT medical emergency care. We thought the worst was over, but no, life had one more BIG KNOCK for this sweet girl. She was still having incontinence issues, and in the fall of 2023, she went to a Dallas area internal medicine specialist and they found Masaka had congenital bilateral ectopic ureters (the ureters do not attach to their normal location in the bladder) and needed surgeries to correct the issue. In her long list of medical issues, she also had a urinary tract infection just before the surgery that had to be treated first!
Masaka had surgeries at Texas A&M on the 8th and 9th of January. We still don’t have a resolution of her incontinence, but are hopeful that over the next few weeks as the swelling reduces that her urine continence improves. Our medical costs for Masaka are over $15,000, and she still has more visits and tests ahead of her. This was a SERIOUS blow to our finances, but we made a commitment, and she deserves every chance at a normal life.
Beyond Masaka’s medical issues, Masaka is a super happy, energetic husky puppy–she’s as full of life as any 81/2 month old husky and is VERY loved by her foster family and foster dog siblings! She has the loving support of Texas Husky Rescue, its volunteers, fosters, adopters, donors, and social media audience.
Please donate for Masaka–any amount helps us help other huskies in need.
Donate using our website!
Donate through Paypal or Venmo: Use donate@texashuskyrescue.org
Note: Masaka is medically shaved due to her incontinence for hygiene purposes. Huskies should NEVER be shaved for any reason but medical necessity.