Texas Husky Rescue
Get Involved

Our adoption process is designed to ensure the right dog goes to the right home. It is a multi-step process involving vet checks, home visits (virtual during COVID), and discussions with an adoption counselor.

Fostering saves lives. We get 30-35 requests a week for intake, and we can’t meet all the requests without dedicated fosters. We provide the supplies, you provide the love, training, and structure with support from our community!

Our adoption fees cover less than half of the cost of the “average” healthy dog. Most of our dogs have medical costs far above our donation fees. Your donation helps cover the medical vetting and needs for our huskies.

Volunteers are the life-blood of our organization, and we can use any skills, time, energy, and enthusiasm no matter where you are. Our hubs are in DFW, Austin, and San Antonio, but we have volunteers across Texas and the United States.
Is a husky right for you and your family?

Latest News

First Quarter 2024 Report
It was another TOUGH quarter….there doesn’t seem to be an easy one in Rescue. This time, it was more of an emotional cost hardship because we had to say goodbye to Kevin, a puppy who tried his best to fight parvo, but sadly, could not beat it despite our best efforts. The emotional toll to the […]

Masaka’s Story
Masaka had a “Hard Knock Life” since she was born, but the BEST thing that happened for her was to become a Texas Husky Rescue Dog! She has been through so much in her short life, and the commitment we’ve made through YOUR contributions make it possible. Unfortunately, she has more medical issues, and we need […]

2023 Financial Report Wrap Up
We closed the books on 2023, and it was a ROUGH year. Our UNEXPECTED medical expenses in the first quarter for nearly $60,000 hit our reserves badly. For comparison purposes, our medical expenses for the first AND third quarters combined were less than $73,000. Much of that unexpected expense was for Katya and the survivor puppies (as […]

Third Quarter Financial Update
We honor the memory of Debbie Satsky, one of our beloved foster volunteers and alumni members, adopter of Cy and Racu, who never met an animal she didn’t love. Debbie passed away in September of 2022, and graciously bequeathed funds to Texas Husky Rescue “for their greatest need”. Debbie knew her beloved huskies would be […]

Katya’s Journey
On February 28, 2023, we accepted Katya and her puppies as an emergency request. Her puppies story was told in a previous blog, If Love Could Save Them. Katya had severe Demodex Mange and secondary skin infections all over her face and body; she also had an eye infection, was very anemic, had low blood […]

First Quarter 2023 Financial Report
It was a TOUGH quarter. Our revenues for the quarter were $52,923 from adoption fees, donations, and various fundraisers, which is “pretty” good. But not against expenses of $83,632. Most of that was from our medical expenses, which totaled $59,321. (See story about the Survivor Puppies in the previous blog for more information.) Boarding (because we don’t have enough fosters) was $10,405. We incurred dog […]

If Love Could Save Them
On February 28, 2023, TXHR received an URGENT request to take a mama and her four newborn puppies. Mama Katya (her story will be told shortly!) was unable to care for the puppies, but thankfully, our amazing foster volunteers bottle-fed the puppies every 2-3 hours. The puppies, Red/Gray (males), and Purple/Green (females), were at HIGH risk, and now needed […]

Thank Woo!
For Joshua’s eleventh birthday, he didn’t ask for anything for himself (but he did get a GREAT Texas Husky Rescue t-shirt!). He chose to share his birthday with Texas Husky Rescue, and he raised $110 to #savemorehuskies! Plus, he shared the AmazonSmile link with his family and friends, so we will see good from that […]

From Bobblehead to UConn Stand-in: Drayson’s Story
Drayson had a rough start because he was the runt from a litter of pups of a backyard breeder. He found his way through several rescues until arriving as rescue #1286 with Texas Husky Rescue. Since we are 100% volunteer, foster-based organization, we rely on fosters to take care of our dogs so we can learn […]

Volunteer Spotlight: First-time Foster Experience
Guest Blogger: Geneva is a hardworking college English major, volunteer, and (now!) first-time foster. Having been working behind the scenes for TXHR as a grant writer for a little over two years now, I had always admired our fosters who would take emaciated and abandoned pups and turn them into happy, healthy, and adoptable dogs. […]