It was another TOUGH quarter….there doesn’t seem to be an easy one in Rescue. This time, it was more of an emotional cost hardship because we had to say goodbye to Kevin, a puppy who tried his best to fight parvo, but sadly, could not beat it despite our best efforts. The emotional toll to the foster, board, and Texas Husky Rescue pack members was high, but we renewed our commitment to our cause.
Our intake numbers for the quarter were 25 more huskies in our system, and we had 28 huskies go to their new forever homes! Plus, we have two huskies in “foster to adopt” situations.
Our revenues for the quarter were $44,920.80 from adoption fees, donations, and various fundraisers, against expenses of $51,973.32.
Most of that was from our medical expenses, which totaled $32,539.65. We didn’t make up expenses for Kevin’s treatment. Although we received generous (and much appreciated!) donations totaling $3,653.57 specifically FOR Kevin, his expenses were $10,275.18. In addition, we raised $1,330 through social media, but that will not hit our account for several weeks. Please note, in critical medical cases, we make the financial commitment to get the treatment immediately. We do not wait to fundraise–once the husky is in our care, we get the treatment started.
Boarding costs were $9,433.46. There was also our annual payment of $3,911.11 for insurance coverage.
Our admin overhead is cut to the bone…we have shipping expenses, various supplies (including HW prevention for our fosters), and website hosting costs. Those miscellaneous costs are $6,089.10.
As of March 31st, our checking balance was $16,695.59. We are holding our savings account to pay emergency costs and pay deposits for our upcoming anniversary party, and that account was $11,604.07. Ideally, our emergency funds would equal more than one month’s average expenditure of $17,000-$20,000, but we have to slowly build that back up. It can be wiped out a LOT faster than it can grow. We also have to pay deposits for the upcoming gala (stay tuned for more info!) and we won’t have ticket sales to cover those costs immediately.
As a financially responsible rescue, we want complete transparency. After nearly 15 years of Rescue, we have a responsibility to all the dogs we’ve placed in homes–we always accept our dogs back when circumstances change, and we must have a safety net for emergencies and contingencies.
We will always #SaveMoreHuskies, but we also remember #TXHRDogs_4Ever_